The Different Views of Golan Heights "Ownership" via airwaves

President Trump has claimed that the Golan Heights belongs to Israel and not to Syria via Twitter along with recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The Golan Heights is currently under Israeli occupation since the victory of the 1967 war followed by a unanimous vote by the United Nations (UN) to annex Golan Heights in 1981. However, in the article, this does cause an concern from many Arab organizations such as: Hamas, the Palestine Liberation Organization, the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, Druze, the Islamic Jihad, Fatah, the Arab League, and other Israeli-Arab parties in response to Trump's tweet over different reasons and are more in favor to the Golan Heights being returned to Syria. These actions of Trump’s tweet has cause Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a “bump” for his own personal gain commented by Druze leaders. Trump has also involved the United States to finally acknowledge Israeli jurisdiction over the Golan Heights. 

Map of Golan Heights: Between Israel and Syria
The facts that are present in the article are what President Trump says in his support for the state of Israel and how Israel should still continue to annex Golan Heights. Saeb Erekat, who is the Chief Palestinian negotiator of the Palestine Liberation, strongly disagrees with Trump's statements but yet speculates that Trump's words could lead to violence and sabotage the Middle East although there is currently no proof of an attack. Comments from the leaders of organizations claim President Trump's agenda to support Israel vary from Trump’s personal state of mind to Trump’s own partiality on advocating only Israeli interests. Druze leaders went after Trump’s state of mind by calling Trump “delusional.” Fatah states that the Golan Heights will still be under occupation but also points out that Trumps is supportive of “colonialism.” Israeli-Arab and Islamic Jihad parties are not happy at Trump for only choosing a bias to support only Israeli sovereignty. Ayman Odeh, chairman of the Hadash-Ta'al party, criticizes Trump for making one-size-fits-all verdicts on the Middle East via Twitter is not diplomatic The United Arab List, another organization that disapproves of Trump's statement, believes that it is a way for Trump to make moves on his "Deal of the Century" that in the long term will support Trump's relations with United States-Israel relations exclusively, by ignoring neighboring countries with Israel. The United Arab List addressed their  concerns over the fate of the Middle East about further Israeli occupation that may have consequences due to the power of Trump’s tweet about how Israel should still acquire Golan Heights territory. 
However, in contrast to the comments that disagree with Trump’s agenda upon the Golan Heights, Dmitry Apartzev, who is the mayor of the biggest city in the Golan of Katzrin, does thank President Trump for his support of Israeli sovereignty on the 
Golan Heights in a statement just in time for the joyous holiday of Purim. 

Jack Khoury, who is the author of the article, specializes in topics with news going on with Palestinian-Gaza viewpoint.  Three examples out of his previous work include Israeli Fire in Border Protests, Gaza Authorities Say, Half of Israeli Arab Public Won't Vote in Election, Survey Finds and Two Gazans Said Killed by Israeli Army Gunfire in Border Protests. Although his point of view is quite hard to tell because he keeps out of any personal bias and keeps his focus on the what Trump said and the disagreements over Trump’s tweet on the status of Golan Heights in the article. Khoury further examines the continued disagreements and violence within the Israeli, Palestinian, and Arab regions in his work. 


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